Felt like back to basics with dimpling and priming of the baggage bay floors. Space is getting a little tight to say the least. The last couple of holes couldn’t be reached with the squeezer. It was like seeing an old friend when I blew the dust off the c-frame.

The pen markings are for the seat back hinges which have been match drilled.

I primed the baggage floor splice and flap motor brackets along with all the side panels for the baggage bay. The flap motor channel I had already primed in a mass priming session some months ago. This proved to be a long job as my spray gun hadn’t been used for a few months and needed some TLC to stop it firing globules of primer. I think the needle guides may need replacing but the tech guy from Sprayguns Direct had gone home – something to do with COVID which is now the new excuse you need for anything and everything.
I had called Adams to get a quote for the Beringer brake kit earlier in the week and that has to wait because of COVID. If you don’t sell buyers the goods that you have, you will go broke, COVID or not. I have run a retail business so I am an expert in these matters! Strange times.

Next job will be to rivet the baggage bay floors. The rudder cables run through grommets under the floor so I have fed them through in anticipation. Doing this in Section 33 through the lightening hokes once the floors are in would be a pain. The instructions hint that now is a good time to make sure the underfloor area is clean and free from the odd rogue spanner as the panels are blind riveted in for good – out with the Henry…
Having suffered tendinitis from too much cleco action, I think I will buy a pneumatic rivet puller before I attempt the floor fitting. I’ll add it to my tool wish list.

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