October 2018

Fwd Mid Fuse Side Structure 29-04 to 29-06

With the structure up on its side we were able to get on with riveting the joins together. It’s a complicated little pattern which slowed us down constantly referring to the rivet layout. I had…

For Chapter 29 you will need….

3/8th bolts and nuts to attach the floor assembly to the wooden jig 5/32 (10x black cleco) for the #20 drilled holes in the lower drag fittings #20 drill (see above) Spare AN365 Nylocs if…

Fuel lines

I have cheated and bought preformed fuel pipes from Aircraft Specialty in the States. Apart from the thieves at Border Force who don’t understand their own rules and charged me Duty, the pipes look spot-on…

Fwd Mid Fuse Side Structure 29-04

We put the structure up on its side using the jig and wooden dowels. It was all quite stable but I became paranoid about the dowels and so have ordered some bolts. The structure is…

Fwd Mid Fuse Side Structure 29-02 to 29-04

New chapter and it is really starting to look like a big aircraft. First job was to prime the skin where the forward and bottom skins overlap. I had already done this but the wrong…