April 2018

Section 26 – Mid Fuselage Lower Structure

Deburring, and more deburring. Trying to get everything prepped in one go. Took me 2 hours to find the step reinforcements (they are in a small box) which I am going to fit! Spoke to…

Fuselage 25-05 to 25-06

Finished bolting and riveting the cover ribs to the bulkheads. Most of the rivets could be reached with the squeezer with a combination of longeron yoke and 3″ yoke. The others I had to set…

Fuselage 25-02 to 25-05

Today started with reaming the holes for the bulkhead doublers. I wasn’t looking forward to this as I had read a few horror stories on other builders’ sites. I took Vans advice in one of…

Fuselage 25-02 construction

Riveted the side channels and doublers to the bulkhead bottom channel: Had to get a Ø3/8 bolt, to temporarily bolt the pairs of F-01405B Bulkhead Bars before double-flush riveting the bars together. The plans suggest…

Fuselage 25-02 priming

Fitted the nut plates to Aft & Forward Centre Section Bulkheads. Prepped and primed all the parts for the Forward Mid Fuselage Bulkheads. An all day job.. As you can see, space is getting a…